Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Lego Ergo Sum

"Lego Ergo Sum" - what does it mean?

This fall, the educational content of Time4Learning (from CompassLearning) was greatly enhanced by a large number of wonderful new lessons.

The highlight of the new materials was a large number of vocabulary exercises. Antonyms and synonyms and all sorts of exercises done in a fun multimedia manner.

Fast paced but with just the right type of repetition so that the children really learn.

Each one starts with the announcement of Lego Ergo Sum.

If someone could tell me what that means, they've earned a free Time4Learning coffee cup.(no, saying that it is Latin does not count). email to john at time4learning . thats a com.

The winner is Kathy. Although her translation of lego ergo sum only fed my curiosity.


Anonymous said...

It either means: Literature
or: I gather,therefore, I am.

game2415 said...

i read,therefore i am.

BBat50 said...

I learn, therefor I am.

Johne said...

This has also been discussed in some depth on the Time4Learning parents forum: