Thursday, May 12, 2005

Learning to Read. Nothing makes us prouder...

Learning to Read. Nothing makes us prouder as parents than watching our children learning to read. Yet successfully learning to read is not something to take for granted, learning to read effectively is the culmination of a lot of small steps that children take, some long before they are ready to read, others in the years after learning to read.

It's a common thought, although it's not true, that learning to read is a natural or trouble-free process. In reality many children, from all backgrounds, need supplementary help in mastering the reading skills.

Learning to read successfully means not only being able to decode words but being able to comprehend, to read fluently, and to enjoy reading. Too often today, there is a conflict between fun technology (electronic games, TV etc) and learning to read. I've created Time4Learning since I think technology needs to be harnassed to help us learning to read, to make learning to read more fun, and to make education as efficient and as enjoyable as possible.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i got email from seo group
i give you some sugestion
if you want make blog for search eng then use rediff blog is very help to you .
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